Testnet Hhumanity Protocol Potential Airdrop

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How to Join and Become Eligible for the Humanity Protocol Testnet
How to Join and Become Eligible for the Humanity Protocol Testnet

The Humanity Protocol, a groundbreaking project aimed at decentralizing identity verification and social engagement, has recently launched its testnet phase. This phase offers users the opportunity to interact with the protocol, test its features, and contribute to its development. Here is a step-by-step guide to joining the Humanity Protocol testnet and ensuring your eligibility for potential rewards.

How to Join and Become Eligible for the Humanity Protocol Testnet

Step 1: Visit the Humanity Protocol Testnet Page

  1. Visit the Humanity Protocol Testnet Page: Navigate to the official testnet page of the Humanity Protocol.

  2. Connect Your Wallet: Click on the "Connect Wallet" button and choose your Web3 wallet.

  3. Choose a Name for Your Human ID: Pick a unique name for your Human ID to proceed.

  4. Enter Referral Code: Enter "rapspoint" in the invited field to complete the setup.

  5. Submit Your Details and Verify Your Email: Fill out the required details and verify your email to proceed.

Step 2: Log In and Claim Daily Rewards

  1. Log Into the Dashboard: After verification, log into your Humanity Protocol testnet dashboard.

  2. Claim Daily Rewards: Click on "Claim Daily Reward" to collect your daily testnet rewards.

  3. Reserve Your Human ID: Ensure you reserve your Human ID and claim rewards daily to be eligible for future airdrops.

Step 3: Join the Humanity Protocol Community

  1. Join Their Discord Channel: Become part of the Humanity Protocol Discord server.

  2. Submit Your Human ID: Navigate to the Human ID section in Discord and submit your Human ID.

  3. Provide Wallet Address: In the Wallet Submission section, provide your wallet address to complete your participation.

Step 4: Refer Friends for More Rewards

  1. Use Your Human ID as a Referral Code: Share your Human ID with friends to increase your potential future rewards.

  2. Expand Your Network: The more friends you refer, the higher your chances of earning additional rewards.

Future Campaigns: Phase 2 and 3

This is just the beginning. Phase 1 of the Humanity Protocol campaign sets the stage for more exciting opportunities in Phase 2 and Phase 3. Stay tuned for updates and additional tasks to maximize your involvement.


The Humanity Protocol testnet offers a unique opportunity to explore an innovative blockchain project and position yourself for future rewards. By following the steps above, you can actively participate in the testnet, claim daily rewards, and engage with the community. Ensure you stay updated and leverage referral opportunities to make the most of this experience.

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